Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another day…

So, here we are with the Chick-fil-A nonsense. Have you ever heard of such CRAP? They certainly didn’t have a problem plastering a smile on their faces while they took our money.

Then we have Christopher Baker who returned his Eagle Scout Medal to the BSA (Boy Scouts of America) and added, “Being morally straight means standing up for equal right and inclusion, not bigotry.”

I applaud you, Christopher. It took courage to do what you did.

In today’s day and age, it’s a shame that we even have to deal with this at all but more people are now coming forward and supporting equality. More people are being counted, seen and heard than ever before and that’s a good thing.

bikerrainbowflag Now I’m curious. Where are the bikers in this? I know there are gay/lesbian motorcyclists. Where do you stand, together in a group or as 1 lone voice?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New adventures…

I’m working on my next Hightower book, although It’s coming along ever so slowly there is progress and I feel GOOD about it too. Yeah! I’ve missed Tamara and Izzy talking to me :0)

I’m almost done with school and almost a certified motorcycle mechanic. Woohoo! Now, I start on the difficult journey of finding a job in the field to gain experience before I open my own shop. Speaking of…I’ve been working on a logo for my business. I think I like the yellow one better, what do you think?

