Friday, June 17, 2011


boomer It is with a sad and heavy heart that I post this today. My good friend Mel, recently lost her dog, Boomer, to an aspirin overdose.

Many people are not aware that there are several things you can do before taking your dog to the vets.

This was taken off the ASPCA website.

Be Prepared

Keep the telephone number of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center—(888) 426-4435—as well as that of your local veterinarian, in a prominent location.

Invest in an emergency first-aid kit for your pet. The kit should contain:
  • A fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 3 percent USP (to induce vomiting) – Yes, it does work! When our Yellow Lab ate rat poison, don’t ask – we gave him hydrogen peroxide and watched him puke most of the poison out of his system before we took him to the vets. It saved his life to get the poison out before it had a chance to dissolve and get into his system. If they don’t start puking almost immediately, make them run. Throw a ball, have them chase you, do anything to get them moving. It will work.
* NOTE: I don’t understand why Vet clinics do not tell you to induce vomiting immediately. Obviously, if your pet ingested battery acid you DO NOT want to induce vomiting as it will burn their esophagus on the way out, but for pills, make them puke!  Please know that I AM NOT a vet and DO NOT give out medical advice of any kind. I say this only from my experience.
  • A turkey baster, bulb syringe or large medicine syringe (to administer peroxide) See above. Yes, you will need a way to get the peroxide into them. Believe me, your dog will not want to drink it willingly.
  • Saline eye solution – Haven’t had to use it yet. Knock on wood.
  • Artificial tear gel (to lubricate eyes after flushing) – Haven’t had to use it yet. Knock on wood.
  • Mild grease-cutting dishwashing liquid (for bathing an animal after skin contamination) – Haven’t had to use it yet. Knock on wood.
  • Forceps (to remove stingers) – Regular tweezers also work if the stinger is small.
  • A muzzle (to protect against fear- or excitement-induced biting) – Haven’t had to use it yet. Knock on wood.
  • A can of your pet’s favorite wet food – We keep several handy and rotate the stock on a regular basis.
  • A  pet carrier – We always have at least two handy.
Another one for the pet first aid kit.

We found out our Yellow Lab was prone to Epileptic Seizures the hard way. Believe me, its not a pretty sight. If you have a big dog, one who is not easily picked up and carried, get, buy or make a backboard to carry them. You can find them online for as little as $99.00. If you need to transport your big dog when they are in the midst of a seizure, a towel or a sheet isn’t going to do the job. Trust me!

Seizures are a scary thing. The reality that your dog will not come out of the seizure is very real. Another friend of ours lost her Saint Bernard that way. He seized and never came out of it.

ACCIDENTS HAPPEN! Be informed. Get emergency numbers and have them handy. Make a plan and be prepared to act on it.

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